Articles in Conference Proceedings and Journals

  • Eppe, M., Gumbsch, C., Kerzel, M., Nguyen, P. D. H., Butz, M. V, & Wermter, S. (2022). Intelligent problem-solving as integrated hierarchical reinforcement learning. Nature Machine Intelligence.
  • Manfred Eppe and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer “Intelligent Behavior Depends on the Ecological Niche”. Künstliche Intelligenz – Special Issue on Developmental Robotics, 2021 (open access)
  • Phuong D.H. Nguyen, Yasmin Kim Georgie, Ezgi Kayhan, Manfred Eppe, Verena Vanessa Hafner and Stefan Wermter “Sensorimotor representation learning for an” active self” in robots: A model survey”. Künstliche Intelligenz – Special Issue on Developmental Robotics, 2021 (arxiv)
  • Matthias Kerzel, Fares Abawi, Manfred Eppe and Stefan Wermter “Enhancing a Neurocognitive Shared Visuomotor Model for Object Identification, Localization, and Grasping With Learning From Auxiliary Tasks”. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2020 (open access)
  • Frank Röder, Manfred Eppe, Phuong D.H. Nguyen and Stefan Wermter “Curious Hierarchical Actor-critic Reinforcement Learning” International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), 2020 (pdf).
  • Manfred Eppe, Phuong D.H. Nguyen and Stefan Wermter “From semantics to execution: Integrating action planning with reinforcement learning for robotic causal problem-solving” Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, 2019 (open access).
  • Pablo Barros, Manfred Eppe, German I. Parisi, Xun Liu and Stefan Wermter “Expectation Learning for Stimulus Prediction Across Modalities Improves Unisensory Classification” Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, 2019 (open access).
  • Manfred Eppe, Sven Magg and Stefan Wermter “Curriculum goal masking for continuous deep reinforcement learning” IEEE International Conference on Developmental Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob), 2019 (pdf).
  • Matthias Kerzel, Manfred Eppe, Stefan Heinrich, Fares Abawi and Stefan Wermter “Neurocognitive Shared Visuomotor Network for End-To-End Learning of Object Identification, Localization and Grasping on a Humanoid Robot” IEEE International Conference on Developmental Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob), 2019.
  • Ahmed Marzouk, Pablo Barros, Manfred Eppe and Stefan Wermter “The Conditional Boundary Equilibrium GenerativeAdversarial Network and its Application to FacialAttributes” International Joint Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2019.
  • Roberto Confalonieri, Tarek Besold, Mihai Codescu and Manfred Eppe “Enabling Technologies for Concept Invention” Concept Invention. Computational Synthesis and Creative Systems, pp 189-219, 2018 (Springer).
  • Manfred Eppe, Matthias Kerzel, Erik Strahl and Stefan Wermter “Deep Neural Object Analysis by Interactive Auditory Exploration with a Humanoid Robot” International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018 (pdf).
  • Erik Strahl, Matthias Kerzel, Manfred Eppe, Sascha Griffiths and Stefan Wermter “Hear the Egg — Demonstrating Robotic Interactive Auditory Perception” International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018 (pdf).
  • Manfred Eppe, Tayfun Alpay, and Stefan Wermter “Towards End-to-End Raw Audio Music Synthesis” International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), 2018 (pdf).

 Best Paper Award!

  • Manfred Eppe, Ewen MacLean, Roberto Confalonieri, Oliver Kutz, Marco Schorlemmer, Enric Plaza and Kai-Uwe Kühnberger “A Computational Framework for Concept Blending” Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, 2018 (pdf).
  • Manfred Eppe, Tayfun Alpay, Stefan Wermter “An Analysis of Subtask-Dependency in Robot Command Interpretation with Dilated CNNs” European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), 2018 (pdf).
  • Roberto Confalonieri, Manfred Eppe, Marco Schorlemmer, Oliver Kutz, Rafael Peñaloza and Enric Plaza “Upward Refinement Operators for Conceptual Blending in the Description Logic EL++” Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (AMAI 2018) (pdf).
  • Manfred Eppe, Matthias Kerzel, Sascha Griffiths, Hwei Geog Ng and Stefan Wermter “Combining Deep Learning for Visuo-motor Coordination with Object Detection and Tracking to Realize a High-level Interface for Robot Object-picking” IEEE RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2017), IEEE Publishing (pdf).
  • Manfred Eppe, Sean Trott and Jerome Feldman “Exploiting Deep Semantics and Compositionality in Natural Language for Human-Robot-Interaction” International Conference on Inteligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016), IEEE Publishing (pdf).
  • Manfred Eppe, Sean Trott, Vivek Raghuram, Jerome Feldman and Adam Janin “Application-Independent and Integration-Friendly Natural Language Understanding” Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2016), EPiC Series in Computing, EasyChair Publications (pdf).
  • Sean Trott, Manfred Eppe and Jerome Feldman “Communicating Intentions in Human-Robot Interaction” International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2016) (pdf).
  • Manfred Eppe, Roberto Confalonieri, Ewen Maclean, Maximos Kaliakatsos, Emilios Cambouropoulos, Mihai Codescu, Marco Schorlemmer and Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger “Computational invention of cadences and chord progressions by conceptual chord-blending” 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015). (pdf)
  • Manfred Eppe and Mehul Bhatt “Approximate Postdictive Reasoning with Answer Set Programming” Journal of Applied Logic (2015). (pdf)
  • Manfred Eppe and Mehul Bhatt “A History Based Approximate Epistemic Action Theory for Efficient Postdictive Reasoning” Journal of Applied Logic (2015). (pdf)
  • Manfred Eppe, Ewen Maclean, Oliver Kutz, Roberto Confalonieri, Marco Schorlemmer and Enric Plaza “ASP, Amalgamation, and the Conceptual Blending Workflow” 13th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2015). (pdf)
  • Roberto Confalonieri, Manfred Eppe, Marco Schorlemmer, Oliver Kutz, Rafael Peñaloza and Enric Plaza “Upward Refinement for Conceptual Blending in Description Logic – An ASP-based Approach and Case Study in EL++” 1st Workshop on Ontologies and Logic Programming for Query Answering (ONTOLP 2015). (pdf)
  • Jakob Suchan, Michael Spranger, Mehul Bhatt and Manfred Eppe “Grounding Dynamic Spatial Relations for Embodied (Robot) Interaction” 13th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2014). (pdf)
  • Manfred Eppe, Mehul Bhat, Jakob Suchan and Brian Tietzen “ExpCog: Experiments in Commonsense Cognitive Robotics” 9th International Workshop on Cognitive Robotics (CogRob 2014). (pdf)
  • Manfred Eppe, Mehul Bhatt and Frank Dylla “Approximate Epistemic Planning with Postdiction as Answer-Set Programming” 12th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2013). (pdf)
  • Manfred Eppe and Mehul Bhatt “Narrative Based Postdictive Reasoning for Cognitive Robotics” 11th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning (CR 2013). (pdf)
  • Manfred Eppe and Frank Dylla. “Towards Epistemic Planning Agents” 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2013).
  • Manfred Eppe and Dominik Dietrich. ”Interleaving Planning and Plan Execution with Incomplete Knowledge in the Event Calculus” 6th Starting Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium (STAIRS 2012).


  • PhD Thesis (Dec. 2013): Postdictive Reasoning in Epistemic Action Theory (pdf)
  • Master’s Thesis (2010): Exploiting Qualitative Spatial Information to Generate Sensible Hypothesis for a Particle Filter (pdf)

Editorial Work

  • GI Zeitgeist 2012 – Proceedings. AKA Verlag. University of Münster, Germany. Editors: A. Degbelo, J. Brink, M. Chipofya, T. Gerkensmeyer, M. Humayun, J. Wang, K. Broelemann, D. Wang, M. Eppe, J.H. Lee

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